Are You Guilty of Any of These Oral Habits?

Sometimes it can be the simplest things that can make a big difference. Bad oral habits can easily ruin your smile but are often quick to correct. Are you guilty of any of these three habits?

1.     Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

Twice daily brushing is a must, but make sure you don’t brush your teeth too hard as you could damage your teeth and gums. Using the proper brushing techniques and a soft-bristled toothbrush will get your teeth thoroughly clean. Think about massaging your teeth and gums rather than scouring them.

2.     Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding and clenching tends to be a nocturnal habit but can chip, crack or wear down your teeth and may cause jaw joint problems. If you think you may be grinding your teeth, make an appointment to come and see us. Our dentist can fit you with a custom mouthguard to protect your teeth against grinding.

3.     Consuming Excess Alcohol or Smoking

Drinking alcohol to excess increases your risk of developing oral cancer so make sure you enjoy alcohol in moderation. If you smoke, try your best to quit because it is terrible for oral health. Smoking increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer.